
I didn’t get any new clients.  I didn’t get any calls.  I got only 4 clicks to my site (.5%).

OK, I only sent this to 787 people and 54 folks did open it.  I’m not thrilled with this low response rate.  My marketing goal is to get one new, good client, so I need to get back to work on this.

It would be odd to tell a law firm that I can get clients for them…If I can’t get my own clients.  Obviously, if I’m talking to a new client, I can point out they they responded to my marketing.

What to do next?

The first thing I am going to do is build my mailing list.  I didn’t let the relatively small sample size stop me from sending out the initial blast.  My experience is that you should always be marketing and not waiting for ideal situations.

I could follow up the four people that clicked on the site with a phone call.  Would that feel creepy if they figured out that visiting my site initiated a phone call.

The most important thing I’m going to do is to keep at it.  Prospects don’t usually respond to the first piece of marketing that they see.  I usually see a big response after I send out round number 3.  The key here is to not annoy my list with spam.

I’ll post updates to my law marketing email blast.