

I was sending out some marketing that I’d targeted to a particular industry.  I wanted to show them that I understand their needs.  I also was trying to put to rest some of the traditional resistance to a marketing agency that their particular industry has.

I noticed that my copy was terrible!

The text was totally defensive and argumentative.  Basically, it read, “I know you don’t want to market your business, but you need to.”  It was making an argument.  The problem with starting an argument is that people tend to argue back.  It was marketing AT the audience.

What I should have done is tell the client how I can help them.  We should be on the same side, not on opposites sides of an argument.  Tell them what I have to offer.  Tell them that helping their business succeed is the best part of my job.

I rewrote the copy.  It’s a good lessen that EVERYONE should market their businesses with the customer in mind and not their own hangups.